An Always-New Business Model
“Freedom lies in being bold.” - Robert Frost
We Indees all took the leap…at some point…from something. A cushy corporate gig, an agency with business all day long, or a completely different industry. For some, the leap was our idea, for others it was foist upon us.
Either way, we stand before you today as a group of renegades. Independent business owners, freelancers, and artists who make moves. Not moves for moving’s sake, but for our soul’s sake.
Sound dramatic? It is. We’re feelers, but not the wish-upon-a-star kind, the wisdom-of-a-shaman kind. We listen to our guts and we get restless if we feel like we’re not living up to our potential, which doesn’t look stationary.
It’s dynamic. Even if we’re operating in one space, we’re always growing, changing, and making those moves. Fueled by curiosity and propelled by confidence. (And, sure, sometimes, we’re scared shitless…but that’s part of the adventure.)
It’s the kind of big, bold life we want for ourselves, but it’s also what we want for you, dear clients. Because you know, like us, that business is not for the faint-of-heart, and when you play it safe, you risk “safing” yourself right out of existence. (This, of course, is not to be confused with being reckless, but if you do business like us, you knew that.)
So here’s the thing, we’re going to keep moving in the direction of our dreams and we’d love it if you joined us. The kind of work we want to do, or continue to do, we do best with other bold, move makers like you.